Do you or some you know experience Attachment Difficulties?
Do you struggle to commit to relationships or instead feel preoccupied that your partner might leave you? Do you have difficulty trusting others and/or fear closeness in relationships? Often people with difficult, complicated or traumatic relationships early in life with their caregivers struggle with relationships in later life. Research shows us that a person’s attachment style has been established before the age of three years and without therapy, ongoing unhelpful patterns can perpetuate.
Our psychologists recognise the critical role your attachment style has on your overall health, mental health and relationship satisfaction. Securely attached people are shown to have less mental health issues, are more confident, feel a greater sense of purpose in life and are also able to better manage life’s inevitable hardships.

Our psychologists have specific training and substantial experience in working with attachment disturbances.
How Focused Psychology Can Help:

Our psychologists have specific training and substantial experience in working with attachment disturbances. We use the latest researched-based treatments to identify your specific difficulties and attachment style to work toward your healing, recovery and developing healthier relationships. The relationship that you develop with your psychologist also plays a vital role in promoting recovery.